Every now and then

Posted by Beamer at 1:46 PM

I have to sit back and wonder about some of my fellow bloggers. Really. Wonder. Forget those that have the normal or nearly normal or maybe not anywhere near normal problems that they face in their daily or some what daily postings. What I am talking about today is a lady that I admire greatly for her blogging skills. She has a fantastic sense of humor and I even interviewed her once. I am talking about The Junk Drawer. Kathy recently gave a birthday party for a bag. A plastic bag. She even took pictures of the cake. Kathy, step away from the correction fluid, please.

I realize that we have to get creative from time to time and embellish the truth some what in order to make the bland and dreary seem somewhat exciting, but she doesn't even own this bag, never has, never will. It's stuck in a tree near her office and she has been keeping tabs on how long this particular bag is up in this tree. So apparently after eyeing this bag for 365 days, what else, but throw a party for the bag.

So she posts about the party and has pictures and I post about her post.

Maybe I should wonder about me as well.


Mike Golch said...

we are allowed to be as off the wall as we want to.believe me I can get quite creative when not online.and have not that really silly stuff to my blog.But I will.

Beamer said...

Ok, I double dog dare ya to get goofy on your blog. I'd like to see that.


Babs (Beetle) said...

Must be something about Kathy. I posted about her humongous head of hair once :O)

Kathy said...

But...but...but...my correction fluid keeps me from losing my mind!

Hey, thanks for the shout out! I haven't had so much fun at work in I don't know how long. And a lot of my colleagues got a huge kick out of it, too. So it was win-win, even though I have to admit I think this means it's official -- I'm certifiable.

Have a wonderful weekend, Beamer!

Anonymous said...

LOL Beamer I have to say the saga of the plastic bag is an interesting one. Oh, wait... I've been sniffing the correction fluid too.

Happy Birthday Plastic BAG!

Beamer said...

I have to Give Kathy her due. I don't know many, uhm, any people that would take such concern over such a tiny parcel of plastic.
