Part 2 of 3

Posted by Beamer at 7:21 PM

August 20th, 2008

Meeting Crispy, although I didn't know it:

Part of the fun I deal with being unemployed like forever is a county Office called Employers training resource. They have a program where I am able to get Gas Vouchers of 20 bucks to get some gas. The only problem with this setup is that I basically get to drive 5 miles to get this gas. It is something that I have to deal with, for it is the only place in Town that I can get the gas at.

On the 24th of June, I went to this Gas station. I took the paper work in to get the gas and she set me up on the Pump I had parked by. Great, except I wasn't able to get all the Gas in the old tank. I put the handle and hose back into the Gas Pump, and went back in to tell the girl behind the counter.

Me: "Hello, I wasn't able to get all the gas in my car. Do you think I can get a receipt so I can have proof of just how much gas I did get?"

Girl behind counter: "Oh man, what am I supposed to do?"

She had turned to a tall Hispanic guy standing behind the counter half buried by a huge cigarette display. He Mumbled some thing to her and she looked even more confused.

Girl behind Counter: "So, you think I should call him?"

She reaches for the phone. I really could care less what they did, I just wanted my receipt so I could get out of there. I had a full tank of Gas. I was happy.

Me: "Can You print me a receipt?"

Hispanic Guy: "You really should call first."

Girl Behind counter: "Ok."

Me: "Hold it, Can you print me a receipt, yes or no?"

Girl behind counter, looking even more confused, turned to the Hispanic: "What do I do?"

Girl behind the counter, to me: "Yes, I can print you a receipt."

Hispanic: "Print him his damn receipt."

The girl printed the receipt and handed it to me. I walked out the door. I went to my car and Locked back up my Gas cap on my car. Just then, I heard someone behind me coming from the store.

Hispanic: "Oh, he can't wait for a phone call. He needs his receipt. Mumble Mumble."

He walks past me as he is mumbling. I turned to see if there was anyone else around me he could have been talking to. No one was out there but Him and I.

Me: "Are you talking to me?"

I am asking the back of his head this question, as he has already walked past Me. He suddenly turned around, yelling.

Hispanic: "What the F_ck makes you think I'm talking to you? Why would I be talking to you?"

He turns and keeps on walking towards the street.

Me: "Cause there is no one else out here."

By now, the girl from behind the counter has come out to see what the fuss was, I guess.

Hispanic, now even more agitated: "No, I'm not talking to you, I'm out here picking up trash."

He is now standing in the gutter, trying to find something to pick up. Me, I am climbing into my car to get the Hell out of there. Now he is yelling at a car as It goes by him at 40 miles an hour.

Hispanic: "He couldn't wait for a phone call. He needed his Blankety blank blank receipt right then!"

Me, romping on the Gas and lighting up the passenger rear tire as I am leaving this insane scene.


Anonymous said...

LOL! That sounds like something that would happen to me. I once had a homeless guy reach out and grab my boob while he was walking past me on Market Street in San Francisco.

Beamer said...

That reminds me of an Item I can blog about. Thanks Rachel for the comment.
