I feel the need ...

Posted by Beamer at 8:23 AM

to apologize. If you have trouble seeing some of my web pages with your particular browser. It isn't my fault though.

Ok, this is a little technical, but most of my web pages utilize standard HTML, easily 3.0, maybe some 4.0, and that is it. I have been utilizing this language for web page design for years. I know my way around it for the most part. The pages are handcrafted. But I am not alone in the design of my web pages.

I utilize Tripod mostly for the storage of my web pages and some at Yahoo. Its free, its easy to use (Usually) and it has worked out pretty good in displaying what I want in web page design.

The other day, just on a whim, I went to verify my HTML, and it came up with a lot of errors. Granted some of them were mine and I attempted to fix them. Others though were created by the fool that designed what ever runs in the background and throws up all the ads for Google that I don't want on there. I am guessing it is CSS, but I could be wrong. Either way, I have no control over what is presented there in that regard and is apparently keeping My web pages from verifying correctly and there fore may show errors on your web page.

By the way it is my birthday tomorrow. 52 years young.