Something I have just recently given a try

Posted by Beamer at 2:26 AM

November 10th, 2008

Using Twitter was something I stayed away from for a very long time. But I finally bit the bullet and decided to sign up. Rather interesting.

Here are some Twitter tools that one of the people I follow found.

This comes in handy as well. Makes Long URL's Much smaller.


Lyndon said...

I know what you mean! For the longest time, I didn't get what the appeal of it was. But after using it for awhile, I get now. It's all about making connections and having conversations with people. I think it's pretty cool!!

Beamer said...

I'm getting used to it and don't feel like I'm on that a great learning curve now.

Thanks Lyndon for the comment. I appreciate it.


Mike Golch said...

maybe I'll give twitter a go,what the heck what is one more sign to remember.

Beamer said...

I have to cheat with all of my log ins and write them down. I don't trust these sites that claim to have them keep your info to sign in.



Mike Golch said...

it's not paranoia, you should see the list of logins that I got. I made the list up to C.R.S.
so How do I find yor twitter site???
mjgwho wants to know.