My son and Cross dressing

Posted by Beamer at 4:21 AM

November 24th, 2008

Ok, Maybe the tittle is a misleading, because My son doesn't wear women's clothes. At least I am fairly sure of this. I have never seen him cross dressing, so maybe in his own time ...

but I don't think so.

No, what this is reference too was my wife going into town and grabbing a burger. While she was there she saw something she wanted to tell me about when she got back home.

Her: It's a good thing our son didn't go with me to get a Hamburger.

Me: Why? I asked.

Her: Well, I was sitting there waiting for them to bring out the food (Carside Food delivery) and there was this guy with long brown hair, shoulder length and a mustache and a beard.

Me: OK.

Her pausing: And he was wearing a shirt.

Me, wondering why I was getting this in bits and pieces: OK

Her - another dramatic pause

Me: And ...

I am now imaging some one streaking my wife.

Her: And he was wearing pants.

Me: Good!

Her: And he had on high heels.

Me: Oh. High Heels.

Her: Spikey high heels and he was sashaying. She now did this crazy wavy motion with her hands.

I had a good laugh over her hands trying to simulate sashaying.

Me: Yeah, I suppose our son would have had something to say about that for sure.


I didn't catch my son in a red dress or anything. Just my wife catching some brave soul in very Conservative Downtown Bakersfield wearing Very High heels and not hiding the fact. Something you don't see every day in these parts. We are not San Francisco.

(EDIT: Look, I tried to find an Image of a guy wearing high heels, but now I feel the need to take a shower - that and wash my eyes out.)


Mike Golch said...

well,well.the thought of this makes me want to go and wash out my head.I can see this happening in S.F. because I did see stuff like that there.Especially when I had a chartered fare from Sacramento to S.F.that was a fun drive.but that is a different story.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

sounds to me she must have come across a tourist lost on his way to Las Vegas---I am fairly certain he/she was not a native of Bakersfield. (hey thanks for the comment on my blog, ya all come back now--ya heah? (lol)

Beamer said...

Mike, Believe it or not, I found where they are attempting to make High heels for Guys. You won't catch me anywhere near them though.


Beamer said...

Gary, Thanks for the Visit. Bakersfield is slowly developing quite an underground movement , Kind of a SOHO thing, where those of alternative lifestyles can shop and let their hair down I guess. I have got to work with some tagggers who enlightened me of these sort of things.

The Times, they are a changing.

Buck Owens would probably be turning over in his grave if he knew.

Thanks for the Visit and I shall return.
