So glad My wife dosen't read this blog

Posted by Beamer at 7:05 PM

August 27th, 2008

I have to make this on the sly. I don't want my wife to find this as I work on it. I was kind of told unofficially that I wasn't to use her conversations on the Internet anymore since I posted about her furry dream a while back. Actually she spelled it out to me in no uncertain manner, But I choose to remember it as a soso chewing out

Just a few Minutes ago: Sound of a phone is ringing.

My wife: "Is that you son?"

Son, Layed out on the couch, watching TV under the swampcooler. "What?"

Wife: "Is that your Phone ringing?"

Son: "That's on the TV."

Wife: "It sounded like it was in the living room."

Me: "Where do you think we have the TV at?" (It's in the Living Room.)

Wife: "But It sounded like the phone was ringing right there, not on the TV."

Me: "Oh, I remember when My wife was sane."

Wife: "It didn't sound like it was on the TV."

Son: "It didn't even sound like my phone."

Me: "Actually, we moved the TV into the Bedroom."

Wife: "Oh, Shut Up."


Mike Golch said...

Good one Bud!

Beamer said...

Thanks Mike. You have a good day.
