John, your Missed

Posted by Beamer at 1:52 AM

July 31th, 2008

It was my Junior Year In High School. It was a Friday, late in spring, early in summer, the trees a good full green, the heat just starting to rise. It was the last class of the week, English. The weekend was here. I just had to get home and enjoy it.

I was walking out of the class, being towards the back of the room, I was usually one of the last ones to leave along with a much smarter, much smaller student by the name of John Walsh. John was one of these guys that didn't need to work at getting good grades. They came to him, it seemed effortlessly. I knew him for all 3 years in High school, a member of the Orchestra playing piano, a member of the debate team, A very smart, articulate kid who I loved having talks with. This day, this conversation was one I wouldn't and haven't ever forgotten.

John, as we left the doorway and the other students rushed to leave the building: "I'm not coming to school on Monday."

Me, walking alongside him: "Why, you going on vacation?"

John, as we entered the stairway to go down the four flights of stairs:"Nope, I'm not coming back to school."

Me, thinking he was pulling my leg: "Yeah Right. You not coming back to school, that's a good one."

John: "Yep. I'm not coming back on Monday, You'll see."

Me: "John, You'll be back here. Cut it out."

John: "Brent, I'm not going to be here on Monday."

Me: "Ok then, I'll see you on Tuesday."

He was quiet the next 2 flights of stairs. I was busy thinking about what I was going to watch on TV that night and couldn't wait to see Johnny Winter On Don Kershner's Rock Concert. He was and still is one of my Favorite Guitar Heroes. We finally got to the double doors to leave the Building.

We hit the doors together.

Me: "I'll see you next week."

John: " No ... You won't"

John walked across the campus from me as I stood there and watched him walk away. He didn't say another word. He blended in with the other students and I turned to leave the campus myself.

Monday Came. It had been a great weekend for me. I was really upbeat and glad to be getting towards the end of the year for me school wise, but I could tell something was wrong. I sensed a sadness over the campus. It wasn't till I got to my first class and the teacher came up to the front of the class to inform us that John Walsh had died over the weekend. I was sad to hear that, but the conversation hadn't returned to me yet.

At Lunch I heard a rumor that John had been playing some stupid game of acting like Tarzan, swinging from a rope in his garage, a rope tied to a rafter and some how the rope had made it's way around his neck. He had died of strangulation.

Luckily, it wasn't till I got home that day that the conversation had returned to me.


Carol said...

Playing Tarzan? On a rope from the rafters in the garage? A high school guy?

How vwey sad.

Beamer said...

Carol- I had wanted at the time to try and get a hold of his parents and tell them what he told me. There was another guy that hung out with him at
Home that went to another High school that swore it was a true story. They apparently took turns playing this stupid game.

All I could come up for an explanation was Different strokes for different folks.

Thanks for the comment.


Mike Golch said...

Sorry you lost your friend.
Some how it does not seem like an accident when he said that he would not be in on momday and no to seeing you the next week.
I know,I have been on that road beforemy self. Thank God that it has not been my time yet,ans I survived my attempts.
Hugs and God's Love and Blessing to you and your family.-Mike G. said that! (its an A.A. thing)

Mike Golch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beamer said...

Thanks Mike. It means a lot to hear that. I'm very glad your still around as swell.
